Anatomy of Scams, Smears, and Political Dirty Tricks

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Revision as of 07:02, 30 March 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Warning there's a lot of smoke and mirrors here Distorting words. Cherry-pick data Take quotes out of context Political theater Fact-checkers Generalized from unusual single cases Big Lie Claiming a minor misstatement or ambiguous statement is a "lie" Simple insults and name-calling See Saul Alinsky")
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Warning there's a lot of smoke and mirrors here

Distorting words. Cherry-pick data

Take quotes out of context

Political theater


Generalized from unusual single cases

Big Lie

Claiming a minor misstatement or ambiguous statement is a "lie"

Simple insults and name-calling

See Saul Alinsky