Smears, Hoaxes, and Lawfare Against Trump

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Lawfare and Trials against Trump

LINK: Trump Lawfare Overview

LINK: Election Interference: (RICO, Fani Willis)

LINK: Business Records: Criminal (Alvin Bragg)

LINK: Business Records: Civil (Letitia James)

LINK: Conspiracy to Defraud and Obstruct (Jack Smith)

LINK: Mar-a-Lago Documents (Jack Smith)

LINK: Sexual harassment (Jean Carroll)

LINK: Trump Banned from Ballots (Colorado, Maine)

Smears and Hoaxes

Steele Dossier

Muller report
LINK: hillary-clinton-democrats-steele-dossier-settle-electoral-case
LINK: There isn't a ‘real case for obstruction,” Turley testifies in Trump's first impeachment

Alpha Bank Hoax

LINK: Alpha Bank Hoax LINK: the-clinton-campaigns-dirty-tricks

Injecting Bleach Hoax: (Trump never mentioned injecting bleach, but Biden did)

Trump was speculating about UV therapy for infected lungs. He may have been onto something, but even if not it wasn't crazy and he never mentioned bleach (though Biden claimed he did).
LINK: Fact check: Biden says Trump told Americans to inject bleach to treat COVID-19
LINK: trump-was-right-uv-light-disinfectant-injected-into-the-body-shows-promise-in-covid-patients-n1540133#google_vignette
LINK: joe-biden-campaign-ad-trump-coronavirus-hoax-fact-check

Soldiers Hoax

LINK: trump-says-claims-he-insulted-fallen-troops-hoax-trashes-john-kelly-possible-source
LINK: trump-embraces-disabled-army-captain-performance-god-bless
LINK: john-bolton-memoir-atlantic-trump-france

Fine People Hoax

LINK: Charlottesville ("Fine People") Hoax

Bloodbath Hoax


Find Votes Hoax

see Election Interference: (RICO, Fani Willis)

Rapist Hoax

LINK: george-stephanopoulos-is-a-clinton-rape-apologist
LINK: trump-sues-abc-news-george-stephanopoulos-defamation

Clear Lafayette Square Hoax

LINK: Lafayette Park not Cleared for Donald Trump PhotoOp report says

Love Putin Hoax and Dictator Hoax

LINK: the-right-loves-putin-and-other-lies-the-media-tell-about-trump-and-russia
LINK: trump-putin-russia-timeline

Unified Reich Hoax

LINK: trump-unified-reich trump-unified-reich (Unified reich text comes from a 30 Turkish graphic designer who randomly pasted it as placeholder text) ]

Outright Lies

Never Trumpers

LINK: lincoln-project-trump-fraud

==RELATED CATEGORIES: Trump, Donald, Democrat Hoaxes, Strategies for Smears, Hoaxes, and Lawfare ==